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Red wines that slip down so effortlessly that you blink and the bottle has finished. Velvety, silky, and seductive, these wines ooze with class and balance. Fruity profiles that are matched by medium bodies, lifting acidity and soft, ripe tannins. The six red wines in this red case will pair well with many foods but they’re not so serious that they can’t be enjoyed on their own. The only danger here is that you finish them too quickly!
Toscana Rosso 'Brio', Castello Romitorio
Sangiovese grapes from the warm Tuscan coast, this wine exudes elegance. A bit like the art on the label, there...
Primitivo, Caiaffa
The Caiaffa Primtivo is not what you’re expecting, it’s one of the freshest, juiciest, moreish wines we sell. Coming from...
Cannonau di Sardegna 'Lillové', Gabbas
Known for producing exemplary traditional Sardinian wines, Gabbas’ Cannonau is elegant and expressive, with a fragrant bouquet of fresh raspberries...
Shiraz/Viognier 'Sirkel', Scali
A youthful wine which is fresh and vibrant! Very easy drinking with delicious ripe red fruit, floral and herbal undertones...
Malbec, Bodega Privada
Ever popular and for good reason. Malbec is the go-to red for those who love big, bold flavours and rich,...
Tinto, Passagem
Passagem Tinto is a vibrant and juicy red, offering a delightful blend of woodland fruits intertwined with delicate hints of...
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